
Browser #

All website related functions (fetch, submit, list etc) are executed using an automated, headless browser instance (using the DevTools protocol; controlled using go-rod/rod). This setup is important if you wish to use website related features.

No data of your browser is modified in this method. See this for more details on the process behind the browser automation.

Browser settings can be configured, both at the global as well as the module level. Shown below is a snippet of the browser configuration for Google Chrome on Linux. (refer here for details about the different configuration files)

  binary: /opt/google/chrome/google-chrome
  profile: /home/infinitepro/.config/google-chrome
Not all browsers are supported. Refer here for the list of supported browsers.

  1. Navigate to chrome://version/ or edge://version/, depending on your browser.
  2. Copy the value of key Executable Path as the binary.
  3. Copy the value of key Profile Path (strip the suffix /Default) as the profile.

Screencast #